Sunday, March 19, 2006


Ah... no regrets for not taking a break tonight.

'Cos I ended up at KTV. =D

And I finally got to see the Jay MTVs. (Eh, cannot blame me for being so 'suaku' - I don't subscribe to the Mandarin MTV channel on cable at home.)

Watching the MTVs left me with bipolar feelings, though: I loved the eye-candy provided by the 'leading man' (I cannot take the 'troubled-boy' look anymore), yet I couldn't stand the 'leading actresses' in his MTVs - worse, got ang-moh char-bors some more.

A bit cannot make it for the quality of his music. For a while, I felt like I was watching those cheapskate non-original 'MTVs' that accompany all the English karaoke songs.

Left me somewhat pleased, yet a little disappointed.

I think I'm going bonkers.

Is that really the reason why no one's believing my purpose for going TP at the end of the month?

"I'm going TP end of the month."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. I'm going there to meet Jay."

"Hahaha... *short pause*... Business trip ah?"

WTF? What did I just say??

And there's no more doubt.

I am inexplicably attracted toward troubled young men - or, at least men who have a troubled look on their faces.


Am I screwed for life?


"Meeting Jay, or at least trying to, is easy. Kissing you, or at least wanting to, is the tough one."

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