Saturday, March 11, 2006

Can't Be Bothered

My mom found my glasses underneath my bed, after I made a mini hoo-ha, trying to insinuate my little brat of a nephew must've been pilfering my belongings again.

I think I must've fallen asleep with my glasses on and then kicked them off my bed.



"Do you think I'm an alcoholic then?" I asked.

"No, I think you're a Deep Soul Maniac, like I am."

I learnt a new term last night.

A Deep Soul Maniac is one who is not alcoholic but needs alcohol to survive.


An alcoholic drinks incessantly and gets pissed for no reason; a Deep Soul Maniac needs his alcohol in small doses all the time for survival.

Whatever. A self-denial term, I think, but I am somewhat relieved that I am not perceived as an alcoholic... yet.

"If you were to be stranded on an isolated island, and you could bring with you only three CDs, what would you bring?" he asked, trying to find out what kind of music I listen to.

*Long pause*

"My Jay Chou."

"(With a WTF look) And?"

*Another long pause*

"Er... can I bring along three of my Jay Chou CDs?"

"No! No Chinese CDs! Just pretend that damned CD player recognizes only English songs!"

Haha. I have so lost touch with my English songs, it took me a long while before I decided I would bring my Frank Sinatra, my Gwen Stefani and my Guns 'N Roses.

"Why do you like beer?" he asked again.

"Why do you ask? Is it because it's rare to meet a girl who likes beer so much?"

He nodded and laughed.

I can't explain it either. I would've liked to say I like beer because it's manly enough.

Instead, I just offered my usual answer, "I don't know. Maybe I just like the taste. Red wine makes me sleepy."

"Oh, then I know how to shut you up next time."


"You're stupidly funny. Or, funnily stupid," said he.

"Huh? Is that a question? Are you trying to say I'm stupid?"

"No, I think you're a very smart girl. But you like to switch off your mind and act funny when you drink."

"Whatever. Very insulting lor."

"No. I think you're fun."

Another attempt at reading me.

I wouldn't like being called stupid, but I like honesty.

Not all men would dare tell that to a girl he barely knows. Still, a very brave attempt at that. And if I were really insulted, I would've poured my beer over him, but my beer is just too precious to me.

Lucky you.

"Are you bothered?" he asked.

"No. Why do you ask anyway? Why would you want to know if I'm bothered?"

"Nothing. Just asking."

"Ok, just a little bit but at least I know now."



It's not very usual I meet someone whom I actually like chatting with.

Someone whom I'd like to chat more with, if I had the chance.

(Thanks to my friends who've been trying to introduce their 'eligible and single' friends to me, but much as I hate to say it to you, your 'eligible' friends just aren't eligible enough for me. I'm sorry if I am not that easily entertained.)

And just when you meet that someone interesting, you find out a little bit more about him and you realize you're so screwed up you always get attracted to the wrong men at the wrong time.

The only way to get over an unfortunate incident like this would be to sleep over it.

And I did exactly that today. =)

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