Saturday, March 03, 2007


And so the number "268" finally flashed across the board.

CS: Hi, what's wrong with your phone?
Me: Hi, I am not getting any notification when messages come in.
CS: Oh, I think your phone needs a software upgrade. You'll need to send it in.
Me: As in, overnight? I don't get to see my phone overnight?
CS: Yes, collect tomorrow.
Me: Cannot. If I come in on weekdays, can I collect on the same day?
CS: Yes, try Thursday. It is usually quietest on Thursdays. Come in before 11, and you can pick up by 5.
Me: So I waited two hours to hear this, that I should come back on Thursday instead?

It was barely two minutes before "269" flashed across the screen.

I must've held the record for the fastest-served customer for the day.

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