Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Coffee Drip

There are a couple of reasons why I am rarely caught in white-colored pants.

ONE: I am a klutz.
TWO: White-colored bottoms aren't exactly my thing. Not that I'm not crazy about it for the moment, but it's just not my thing all the time. Black sheep look weird in white bottoms, no?
THREE: White-colored bottoms make my ass look, er... less smaller than it really is!
FOUR: I don't own that many white-colored pants really.
FIVE: I am really a klutz.

Ok, so that makes more than just a couple.

And I've been really good to myself these days.

Much less klutzy. Or perhaps, I'm just getting better at the 'recovery' tactic - looking good and poised while pretending nothing has happened.

Tripping less over something that's really nothing. Spraining my ankle less while walking. (By the way, did I ever tell you of the incident where I actually sprained an ankle while I was standing stationary? Well, there really was no incident to talk about.)

And most of all, I haven't been dripping coffee from my mouth while drinking it. It's a feat I've been proud of, till today.

And did I say I pulled out my white pants from the wardrobe today?

Oh, I did.


I am not touching chilli sauce or tom yum soup today.

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