Friday, March 23, 2007

Emotional Blackmail

Boss wants me to work on some proposal, as well as our price-tags on the deal, with some potential working partner.

I said, ok. And he said, let's talk later. But before that...

Boss: got to go now...
me: speaks later
me: beep me
me: tell u small problem later
Boss: ttyl
Boss: huh?
Boss: you got hired?
me: no
Boss: by GAP?
me: that one is BIG prob
me: hahahahhahhaa
Boss: hhuh?
Boss: quick.
me: later lah
me: shoo
Boss: you not leaving redsports yet right?
me: hahahhahahha
me: you love me too much now right?
me: hahahhahhahhahahhahhahhaha
me: SHOO
Boss: ok chat later.
Boss: sigh.
me: the host with the mostest
me: bye

Ooooh... let's see what lunch I'll make Boss buy me later.

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