Monday, March 19, 2007

Run, Ran, Run

I'm not too sure if it was the six-packs or the one-flabby-packs, but I got inspired to head home while there was still light, peel the phone off my hands, and put on my Pegasus's.

Did my timing, but it was a horrid run. It's either because of the one-week hiatus, or because of the one and only one toasted-sesame-bagel-with-cream-cheese I managed to grab today.

I am feeling RA-VE-NOUS.


I have calves which could be slimmer, but they aren't.

But I am thankful for these strong legs because it means I can run the miles, I can walk all corners of the world, however far the distance's going to be, just to be there.

I have hips which could also be smaller, but they aren't too.

But I am thankful because it means 我很会生孩子!


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