Monday, March 12, 2007


RedBabe: Game today?
RedShooter: School hols.
RedBabe: Oh. Skool hols leave us jobless huh?

Pretty much like school canteen operators.



I can't believe I would miss the long-awaited phonecall last evening while I was out on the run. But how the hell was I supposed to expect it to come on a Sunday evening? I am always this lucky.

So the wait came to nought. And now, I have to wait some more.

This evening, or tomorrow evening, so it was communicated over the text.

And then, there's another to expect end of the week.

Have you ever imagined how it might feel like, to be stuck afloat in the middle of the ocean, and have little fish nibble away at your rotting waterlogged flesh? Like you're going through a slow painful dying process but you'd rather just be shot in the head?

Yes, I have.

And this is exactly how it feels right now.

Someone, save me. Or shoot me.

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