Thursday, March 22, 2007

Senseless Night #472

It's tough being the director of your own dream.

For all my nightly travels to dreamland, I can never really relate any one adventure/drama/epic/horror-flick/comedy to anyone else in the ensuing waking moments, maybe just some horrifically real or hilariously weird bits that just create a deeper impression on my subconscious. The whole story? It usually is so senseless, the storyline does not play out logically, the 'actors' cast in my dream are all quite wrong, the scenes jump suddenly from a comedic Stephen-Chow scene to a Stephen-King one. They are so senseless I can't even remember them, much less tell anyone about them.

So last night, I was dreaming of either a drama or an adventure. Not that I remember the storyline, but I needed a baddie in my dream. Strangely, try as I might, I just couldn't conjure up a face to be cast as the baddie. But you know, there are no casting auditions in dreams. Your mind makes split-second casting decisions as the dream plays along, and *boom* the actors just appear one by one - which explains why sometimes they don't make sense appearing in my dreams at all.

So anyways, there I was, stuck in that particular scene in my dream last night. It was so weird. The baddie was right there, but not quite there because there was no face to it. It wasn't a horrific scene at all. It was just very frustrating to me.

So frustrated, I finally opened my eyes, sat up, and wondered, What the hell? How come I just can't find someone to be the baddie in that scene?

Then realizing what just happened, I gave myself a sigh and the 'I-can't-believe-myself' headshake, went for a pee before heading back to bed. I don't think I managed to return to the scene, I don't think I got my baddie in the end.

Yes, I know this post doesn't quite make sense.

I know I just don't make sense.

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