Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Sometimes it feels like my good ol' big brother has come back home to us.

Fighting with me over the bathroom. Quibbling with me over the dishes. Bickering over the unfinished food that neither of us wants to finish. Staging a "farting-versus-belching" warfare with me. Giving me hell over the misplaced papers. Providing me live updates of scores when I'm out on Saturday nights.

Most of all, sharing Mom's nagging with me again.

We both have been through shit, bad enough to make Mom still worry for us, like she did when we were still kids fooling around.

But like it's always been, he's here but he's never really here for me.

Still, despite the same mailing address once again, some other things don't stay the same anymore.

Brother is now the real adult he should be, having handled life-shit and still taking care of it. A more matured, less selfish big man.

Me? I will forever be the little 阿妹 who refuses to grow up. Always the blacker sheep in their eyes. Like it's always been.

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