Monday, March 26, 2007


As far as I've always wanted to live a life as unpredictable as it can be, I think I'm savoring the best of it right now.

Unpredictability means, to me, adventures that replicate action-packed thrillers, sweet surprises that bring a smile to my glum face, unexpected shocks that bulldoze and knock me off my Fatfeet. Unpredictability swings my mood - I could end the day laughing and smiling like I am the happiest baby on earth, or I could crawl into bed under my duvet wishing I could disappear from the world altogether.

Unpredictability lets me experience the extreme emotions of life, plus all those in between.

Unpredictability tells me I should weave my stories as the bits and pieces come to me. I don't know what comes next, so I have to be creative.

Unpredictability teaches me to worry less about tomorrow, it teaches me to laugh about yesterday. Unpredictability teaches me to live today tirelessly so I can look forward to bedtime tonight.

Unpredictability teaches me to look beyond life as a series of stages.

Life is really one huge playground. You laugh when you're at the highest point on the swing, you cry when you fall off the swing onto the sands. You move on from the swings to the slides to the monkey bars, and you can always come back to the swings anytime - with or without any playmate.

Well, it's just that without a playmate, the see-saw's kinda out-of-bounds. Then again, maybe not. I used to have loads of fun by myself walking on the plank from one end to the other.

A playmate would be nice, but without one, you still have the whole playground to yourself.

Without really wanting to sound like everyone else, I am literally "living one day at a time".

I don't know what new things I might learn today. At times, I feel mentally ignored by the world. And then, other times, I receive so much new stuff, I take a few days to digest it all.

I don't know where I will be at two in the afternoon tomorrow. Heck, I don't even know what I'll be doing at six tonight.

Don't ask me if I could do this or that next week.

'Cos I really don't know if I can. And maybe, just maybe, I don't wanna know too.

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