Sunday, February 26, 2006

Somewhere, Somehow, Someday

It was a very, very tired Saturday for me.

I had barely eight hours of sleep in total over the last week, and I had a bit too much on Friday when the meeting was finally over. I just couldn't get enough of much-needed rest yesterday.

Still, I had to drag my ass out of bed for a lunch gathering, and then again in the night for a dinner. I felt like a zombie throughout.

Between the time I got home last night to the time I took my bath to the time I finally switched my lights off and retired to rest, I fell asleep twice. And during the two short naps, I had two awfully-sad dreams.

Those dreams that woke me up when I realized I was about to cry again.

Dreams that seemed so true, they stuck in my head even after I'm up and awake 12 hours later.

I can't help all the thinking that's going on in my mind now. There must be a reason for these dreams.

There must be a message for me somewhere, somehow.

If my dreams were really coming true someday, then I think it's better to end it all now, than to get hurt by you again.

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