Thursday, February 23, 2006


Boss had been in a very foul mood for the past few days.

All because his baby still hadn't popped out yet as scheduled.

And when I say 'foul', I mean his face is really smelly. His impatience was obviously starting to show.

With someone like him who's born with a stern look - think 包青天 complete with the thick furrowed brows - you wouldn't doubt a foul mood and you sure wouldn't wanna go anywhere near him.

This morning, Boss didn't turn up for the big meeting. Instead, I received a message on my phone.

"I'm officially a stressful but relieved father as at 5am this morning."

All of a sudden, all I could imagine in my mind was Boss's iron-face melting into a puddle of bliss as he saw his newborn for the first time.

A warm feeling blanketed over my heart, and I smiled.

Puppies and newborns.

You can never go wrong with them when all you need is a smile.

Congrats, Boss.

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