Saturday, February 04, 2006

Happenin' Sia...


I didn't want to, but I ended up snoozing the entire day.

Gracie must've been proud of her Mama today - I slept, woke up at mid-afternoon, read the papers, ate a packet of fried noodles, then fell asleep to my now-favorite 'Thomas & Friends' DVDs.

Brother to Little One: Ok, sleeping time. Daddy off TV huh.

Little One: *wide-eyed innocence* Milk.

Me: (lying on the same bed, eyes glued to the TV) Let him watch until he falls asleep lah.

Brother to Little One: Ok, Daddy give you one more minute to watch. I come back with milk, you sleep ok.

Brother came back with milk-bottle in hand, and caught me still lying on bed, eyes still glued to the TV.

Brother: You yourself want to watch, say so lah!

Haha. It's amazing how kiddie shows created to enthrall kids would have the same effect on me.

I hate Barney, though. That irritating purple monster with his fake smile and oh-so-unimaginative songs.

I love you
You love me
We're a happy family
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?

'Nuff said.

It's already eight, and I'm still tired. Despite the shower and the kopi-o.

I had big plans rolled out today - like going back to the office, and then hitting town for a quick while. I think I need a new jacket for my upcoming HK/Portland trips.

But I dreaded the long drive back to the east, and I think the Chingay parade is going on in town tonight.

Thinking about these deterring factors was enough to put me back to sleep. Hur.

Don't you think 'Chingay' sounds a little too lewd for the uninitiated?

Chingay = Ching-Gay = Chinese Gay?

A parade full of Chinese Gays?

Together with our new pride in the world's largest Ministry of Sound, Chingay could've potentially put us on the international pop culture map, right next to Mardi Gras.


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