Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Mean means Nice

The traffic folks seem to have taken an immense liking to photography these days.

My, my. So often, you can see them taking patrol breaks, snapping pictures off bus-stops, atop overhead pedestrian bridges, next to obscure bushes along roads.

The last one I saw today, he just decided to park his patrol vehicle off the shoulder along the East Coast highway. Got out of the stationary car, walked to the back facing the oncoming traffic, and started snapping away.

Just couldn't wait huh?

The one thing I love coming home to: driving in my Ford baby.

The second? Having Jay croon to me as I cruise along the roads.

Ah, I miss his muffled voice.

When was the last time I was actually nice?

I can't remember, and I kinda miss that.

Was I even ever nice? Maybe I was just less mean. Ha.

It's funny how you seem to know someone, but you don't actually.

We could've been friends, but...

I smell Piper everywhere, but I don't see her.

Her yeasty scent permeates the entire room, while she's hiding away underneath my bed.

Come out, Piper. Let's go, baby!

Mommy wants to hug you to sleep tonight.

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