Monday, March 05, 2007


We had grill for dinner at home this evening. Our way of celebrating the end of the new year.

Grilled salmon and beef, done just medium rare, so that it just about melts in the mouth. I absolutely adore.

But then, the smell of burnt butter is still lingering in the kitchen. Now I feel like barfing whenever I go for a pee. :/

I have an obsession of late.

Whole, unprocessed foods. I eschew processed stuff like as if they might poison me.

Yes, yes, I am trying my darnedest to be good everywhere, everything else - just so I can feel less bad.

Oh. I did pork tonight. :)

I didn't embrace it, but I think it's a start.

Some things just don't matter anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bak kut teh?