Friday, November 18, 2005


I can't quite remember how it feels to have a good deep sleep. The kind where I just get knocked out, past the morning sun, right till 3 in the afternoon.

I remember, the days when I would just lie in bed and fall asleep while he was watching football on TV, be totally clueless about the things I'd say while he was trying to tease me in my sleep, then wake up in the afternoon for late lunch/early dinner.

I haven't had a good sleep for months. To be more specific, perhaps since July.

My sleep has been disrupted by almost-true-to-life dreams and unsettling thoughts. The sleeping position is always all wrong. I wake up feeling more groggy than refreshed.

And worse of all, this is a nightly affair.

Bedtime, once most favored, has been replaced by boozetime.

I think I'm just hoping the booze helps me sleep better.


I woke up this morning to find the little man right beside me.

He was already awake, smiling to himself, kicking his legs in the air. The good kid didn't even attempt to arouse me from my sleep. Such a sweet.

But then, I found out he had peed and pooed in his sleep, and despite the diapers, my bed was still a little soiled.

Not so sweet after all. Hmph.

A crazy morning.

I realized my cable/internet bills had been way overdue. My dad came into the room to give me crap.

I had to drag my ass all the way to the post office to get it paid, and then reactivate the stupid services.


My bills. Ever mounting. Never ending.

I have my day all planned out.

And I have the little man for company today.

A meeting-discussion at a friend's office. Then a lunch-date in town with a dear aunt.

Then shopping time. No, I shouldn't be shopping, but I need to get the little man some new clothes.

Maybe tea-time with a friend, if I have time.

After all has been done, time to head to CCK for the Hari Raya party. I am so craving for curries these days. =)

I feel so like a 'mom' today. Hmm.

A stay-at-home mom on a typical day - shopping and meeting friends in town. Isn't it nice to be able to find a rich man who can afford me such a life? Ha.


Then again, moms don't plan to go out for partying after the kid has been put into bed, do they?



Hunny. Dear. Baby. Sweet.

The words of endearment I've been using on friends of late.


Anything but Sweetie.

That one's not meant for anyone else.

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