Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Heong Kong Mui

My life as a 'heong kong mui' over the past weekend has been filled with quite some fun, a little bit of peace, and some bit of a guilt.

Moved out of the hotel on Saturday into gal-pal Mrs Sharkey's home at Wan Chai. Well, actually the home belongs to Mr Sharkey. But anyhow... it's theirs.

Mr & Mrs Sharkey share a nice, relatively big (by HK standards, at least) apartment on top of a small hill, that costs a whopping amount of rent. Gross, HK rentals they are. Well, the fact that I could sleep in the comfort of a guest room, right between the study and the master, tells you how big the apartment is.

Atop a small hill, the Royal Sharkeyness stay. To get to the streets, you gotta walk down a long flight of steps. Walking down is not a problem; walking up fucking is.

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Spent the first part of the afternoon 'yum cha-ing' with Mrs Sharkey. Girl talk session - something rare with Mrs Sharkey, but I appreciated it. =)

After the luggage was dumped, I spent the rest of the evening at Causeway Bay, mostly on my own, while the Royal Sharkeyness went out on some dinner function.

I walked down the stairs and into the streets that led me to Causeway Bay. It was a sight. Almost pretty much like the HK scenes I am used to on television.

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Where you find Filipinos, you will see basketball games like this. And Filipinos are practically in every corner of the world. And I found this a heartwarming sight. Something so close to my heart, so familiar to my eyes. =)

Man, did I tell you I hate the crowds in HK?

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People are everywhere. They push, they bump, they crawl, they stop, and then they frustrate.

After a failed attempt to find my boots, I decided to search for the place I've intended to hunt down.

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Not that tough a mission. =)

In here, cats are everywhere. Where you sit. And where you're supposed to eat off.

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This Royal Catness seemed to be the highlight of the cafe. And it was sitting right on my table. I couldn't figure out how I would eat my noodles if it's sprawled right in front of me.

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Fat Cat. That's what all the other customers, mostly giggly schoolgirls, called it.

The name brought a twitch to my heart. Was it fated Fat Cat had to jump right on top of my table the minute I sat down? Silly thoughts again.

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Dinner of udon and clams cooked in sake soup was actually pretty decent. I'm coming back.

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Met up with the Royal Sharkeyness again after dinner. How could I do without drinks?

My craving was satisfied in Feather Boa. A secret hang-out of the Sharkeys that you and I would never have known about. Simply because the pub looked so run-down on the outside... and there was no signboard at all.

It was so weird when Mr Sharkey suddenly whipped open the door and whisked me into the pub. I was like, Huh?

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The place was beautiful in the warm red light.

The strawberry-chocolate daiquari and the chocolate martini were fantastic.

But the place was just too small and full of kwai los. Quite irritating.

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That's Mr & Mrs Sharkey for you.

Sunday was spent looking for more boots.

Later in the afternoon, we took a MTR-mini-bus ride to Sai Kung. Other than alcohol, I crave seafood too.

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It was pretty cool. You get to pick what you eat.

We went to the wrong restaurant, though - they cooked our prawns the wrong way. Or maybe, we just ordered the wrong dish.

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The first time in my life that I saw horseshoe crabs. The name was weird, the looks were even weirder.

Words that amuse and confuse.

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I couldn't argue with the last one, though.

Hong Kong was nice, being a heong kong mui was fun for a while.

Staying there could be a whole different story.

Gotta think about it more.


Then, of course, there was that thing that happened.

Something I don't wish to forget, but I don't wish to think about too.

Let's just live and let live. Or, is it - live and let die?

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