Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Office

I would like to think that I still adore my other 'office' here at Starbucks, but it is getting crowded.

There are the kids who chatter non-stop when they are supposed to plug in to their iPods and be studying. Gossip about boyfriends and girlfriends and the newest brands in town or the next happening party so-and-so's throwing.

Then, there are the few young and serious-but-still-hip-looking people (exactly like me) who look like they are also setting up a rental-free office base here together with me. Which means they are in competition with me - for space, and for the precious power points.

And then, there are increasingly more office folks who seem to like taking their mid-afternoon meetings out-of-office these days. I don't really mean to eavesdrop, but yes, it's mostly idle discussion. Read: more distasteful gossip for my ears.

At the lowest point, this place feels like a library and I feel like I'm back to my mugging days.

At the highest? This place is worse than the kopitiam at my place, and I wish I had .44 Magnum in my bag.

Strangely enough, with the lively crowd it is housing, this place still feels like a freezer.

I am done with shivering and sitting on my hands and jumping like a monkey on the couch.

I'm out.

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