Saturday, February 03, 2007

Free Parking

I am so darn proud of myself today.

I haven't switched on my ignition the entire day.

A lunchtime appointment saw me taking the subway into the very peaceful, very tolerable, very cheap business district.

Unfortunately, the very same lunchtime appointment also saw me growling my way throughout the entire hour-long meeting. Very paisei, yes. But it's only normal human reaction.

"You haven't had lunch before you came?"

"No, I was babysitting my nephew the entire morning before I rushed down." And it wasn't an excuse. I am multi-talented, I am that capable.

The very hungry stomach didn't see me plonk down at just any cafe I came across after the meeting ended. I refused to spend seven bucks on two pieces of bread with butter and some greens and a few slices of turkey.

So I loitered - yes, loitered. And loitered. And loitered. Till the lunch crowd cleared from the hawker, and I devoured a bowl of hot soup for half the price. Some blisters on my high-heeled feet nonetheless, I thought it was still quite worth it.

There is not enough food in the business district. Yes, NOT enough.

Found a quiet cafe by the river. Wrote some very important emails. Discussed some stuff over the IM. Sent a couple of letters. And I was so tired, I was quite glad everyone on standby went offline by four-half and appeared in the pub down the street half an hour later.

Two pints and many rounds of tai-tee later, we decided we hated that place and hopped back to our usual haunt.

Another couple of whites later, we decided Friday's not a night to stay out late.

"How are you going home? Cab?"

"Yah lor... Wait..."

Half an hour later... "Nice bus ride home." And I meant it.

Still... I would like to say "never" but I can't.

So, I'll just say: I might just jump into the river and die if I ever have to work in the business district again. =/


Sometimes I really wonder, if I could ever just live for the rest of my life without a lover but with just my chicks for companionship.

Would that be wrong?

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