Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"万歲, 万歲, 万万歲..."

I wasn't really quite "activated" but I could feel it. I could feel the calling.

After all, it's the 皇后娘娘 Week.

Yes, yes. My 娘娘's birthday celebration begins officially today - and shall last for the next seven days, just like a traditional Indian wedding.

One wish every day, and today's commandment was simple: No one is to say "NO" to 娘娘.

All the poor 丫頭們s. We are all so looking forward to our own birthdays this year. Hmph.

Considering there were whites and illusions and lots of sex on Day One, I figure it's going to be a very tough fun week for me.

And then, there's Friday...

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