Friday, February 02, 2007


Never have I imagined I would ever be this shocked.

By mere numbers, no less.

In my own words, they made me feel totally "incapacitated".

Probably a shocker, because I had gotten more than I had expected. But more of a shocker, I suspect, because while it is one matter to be imagined, it is absolutely another to actually be confirmed.

And it wasn't even a game of 'Truth or Dare'.

Shocking as it may be, it felt... good.

Score: 3-4. You're up one. You stunned me into complete silence for a full twenty seconds.


Sometimes, life becomes such an interesting adventure that threatens to blow your mind away, you have to stop and pinch yourself for a minute, before you decide if you want to forge ahead.

Yeah. I am pinching myself - real hard - right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Number of the day - 14