After a morning of laundry, crappy-but-cooked-with-pride-nonetheless porridge, quite some ironing and other supposedly soul-calming household chores, I decided I was going crazy staying in and about to break down.
So then, I decided I needed pain.
Sometimes, it's more like a game to me. It's about how much further I could push my own threshold.
If I could actually feel the pain, then perhaps all else doesn't matter.
So, I picked up the phone and made an appointment with Mean Fingers Bobo.
I had no qualm booking ninety minutes with her today. Give me two hours, if you insist.
Though still pain-inducing, I felt a tad disappointed that it didn't bring me as much pain as it had a week before. And it didn't give me the pain I was so desperately looking for.
How could my tolerance have increased over a week? Or, was it just immunity?
Yes, I did wince at times, I did raise my arms in moments of reflex, but I also actually drifted into half-sleep because I was certain I thought I saw Ah Yue in the room with me.
Great. Pain-induced hallucinations. Just about what I needed most.
Meanwhile, MFB remembered me and, like what all other therapists would, said to me today, "Wa, le ge yok hou saat ah."
Hmm. I am pretty sure she didn't mean the saat in saat saat bo chio.
I think she basically said I am tough meat.
I do try to take it as a compliment though, since she followed up with a comment that most people train all they want but can never get my kind of 'tough meat'.
Since my intended pain therapy failed me, I decided I would go for round two.
A Thai restaurant that actually plays Thai soft rock. How cool is that?
Remembering also that I would be stuck with two weeks of cold salads and sandwiches, I decided there was no better time than now to spice my life. With porkless yum woon sen with lots and lots and lots of Thai chili padi.
It was a terrible experience.
Breaking out in sweat from within, yet shivering on the outside from the coldness of the restaurant.
I almost wanted to puke. So I decided to numb myself further by chomping down the generous serves of chili padi.
And now I have a complaining tummy to deal with.
So nothing worked.
But I am glad I got out of the house.
The song on repeat mode would have killed me sooner or later.

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