Tuesday, March 15, 2005

"Yao gui"

People say I eat like a bird and that's true.
Birds eat just enough to fly.
All those birds that eat a lot end up getting eaten themselves.
Turkeys, chickens.
They can't fly.
The others eat just enough to get by, just enough to fly.
That's how I am.
- Rare Air, Michael Jordan

I've been eating a lot of late. Eating like a cow, a horse, a pig, anything but a bird. I can't help it. I just feel like my worms are very lively and awake these days. I feel like they devour every single piece of food I put into my body. Instantly. How else can you explain my incessant hunger an hour after lunch or dinner?

Last night, I ran a good 30 minutes. Haven't done that for a long while, and I felt pleased I even did a slope. But after that one run, I felt so ravenous I ate up one bowl of porridge, one bowl of minced meat noodle, and finished off with two chicken wings. The hunger continued even after lunch today, and it made me lose concentration at work (ok, maybe that's an excuse).

My mass is stabilized right now. There were times, just recently, when I kept shrinking despite my massive appetite. That scared the shit outta many people.

I wanna be like Mike. To fly like a bird, though I know I can never. So, maybe I should just learn to eat like a bird. But then, if I do that, what will be left of me, I wonder?

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