Sunday, March 27, 2005

Pissed and Pooped

I'm feeling a little pissed in general. I'm not biting everyone that comes my way, but there's just something nibbling on my mood the whole day.

Maybe it's the time-before-the-time-of-the-month-thingy. Or maybe it's really not.

For one, I was a little upset with the man last night for something he did not do. Well, it wasn't exactly something that he ought to have done, but it's definitely something that would have made me feel better.

Then, I came back to my car after some drinks last night to find that some stupid birds had not gone to sleep yet and instead shat all over my car. And I am not exaggerating when I say, "ALL OVER". I have been religiously avoiding parking my car under trees of any sort these days. But I was thinking last night that birds must be sleeping by 10 in the evening and there should not be any stinking issue if I parked my car under some big old tree. Not that I needed any shade at 10 in the evening, but it was the nearest lot to the pub.

There was nothing I could do last night with those spots of poop - I had not enough water in my car, and I was too tired to have to go home to fill up the bottle and then clean it up - though the very sight of them (which I could not possibly avoid) positively irritated me immensely.

I got home, and tried to work on the journaling a little, but kept dozing in and out of sleep. All the while waiting for the man to return from his own night-out with the boys.

I dragged myself out of bed this morning because I had to settle some silly motor insurance-road tax issue (which by itself is yet another irritatingly stupid problem) in town. Imagine what went through my mind (and almost spewed out of my mouth) when I reached town to find that the office was closed on Saturdays. Okay, I was stupid not to have called ahead, but I had refused to believe my luck, or the lack thereof.

The next thing I planned to do was to wash the car and clean out those poop. Very unexpectedly, it started to rain while I was driving home but I couldn't work my windscreen wipers because those spots of poop would have messed up my wipers. It IS very irritating to drive with spots of raindrops and poop on your windscreen.

It was still raining when I reached home, so I decided to catch a nap to drive away the blues (hopefully). When I woke a couple of hours later, the rain had clearly stopped and the sun was out again. I took out my pail and my cloths and headed down to wash my car. Of course, with the man this time. But halfway through our car-wash, suds on the car and mats out drying on the ground, it started to rain again.

Is there any end to this? Maybe tomorrow, I hope.

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