Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Just cannot wake up

I can't believe what I did yesterday at eight in the morning.

Extreme exhaustion and severe sleeplessness accummulated over the past few days left me feeling so worn out, by the time night fell I was actually quite a grouchy bitch (thanks sweetie, for being so forthright with me) - for a good three nights in a row. No, make that a half-conscious grouchy bitch. Someone who's probably really born in the year of the Owl, I'm usually unusually perky at nights, hitting a high from ten-to-two (and starting with a low in the mornings from nine-to-five). So it was pretty obvious the past few nights when I turned grumpy and eerily silent at dinner tables that I wasn't quite myself.

Monday night, I had dinner at a restaurant where the ambience was so perfect... for sleeping, I almost immediately regretted chugging down two bottles of Hoegaardens. What wasn't exactly helpful either was the seat I'd chosen - a two-seater couch (yes, at a dinner table - I shall leave the restaurant as a mystery for now) - for me, myself and I. Half the time at dinner, I was slouching on the couch, ready to fall into sleeping position anytime. Had to drag myself off the couch right after dinner was done (and before I could really doze off), so I could drop by to pick up the Yix while I was still capable of keeping my eyes open at the wheel.

Big mistake. HUGE mistake.

A couple more Tigers later, the Zzz Monster was seductively beckoning to me. Can't actually quite remember how I managed to drive home (oops... not-too-good news), but I do remember falling straight into a slumber, filthy clothes and all, on my bed the minute I put my bag down. After an hour or so, I stumbled to the bathroom in a stupor and gave myself a good scrub-down, but only after I'd shown the Yix some really dirty grouchy faces - all for waking me up to clean up and dress up. Poor man.

After the good warm shower, I really had such a good time with the Zzz Monster that I felt I just couldn't get enough sleep. At eight the next morning, I pried my eyes open with such strong will and force to pick up my phone and send a message to my boss, telling him I'd take the day off because I needed to bring my mom to the doctor's.

What I didn't realized, until I checked my phone later in the day during lunch, was that I had sent him this message instead:

"Boss, I'll take my time off today. Just cannot wake up."

WTF??!!?? This was like digging my own grave.

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