Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Donch Want No Fire

Finally. By getting my own personal computing machine, I'm finally able to freely post pictures up on my site. And I am liking how my virgin picture-postings turn out to look like. So pretty.

I have kinda stopped writing my journals in the office, during office hours. Not when blogging is becoming as 'illegal' as surfing pornographic sites while on the job. And it is really hard to refrain from logging onto Blogger because it is exactly during these hours when my mind wanders the most and pervasive thoughts start invading my idling mind.

Ok, call me chicken-shit or whatever.

So, now I write only at night, and it's tough because then I would need to conjure up all the thoughts-of-the-day, and by then, to a certain extent sometimes, it already feels pointless writing about them. The man now thinks I'm obsessed with this Blogger thingy. Yeah, wait till I figure out all the wonderful web and multi-media features I can do with this site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the way to get around this problem is to post via email. no need to log in to blogger. you can do that by setting up an email add via blogger (think is under settings) so that you can just pretend to be writing important email on your outlook/lotus notes. haha.