Including the time I took to get sixteen floors down to ground, walk over to the next tower to climb up another twenty-one, get down twenty-one to ground again just to change some notes for dollar coins and then back up twenty-one again to start the stupid machine. And the one hour I took just to google on "how long should I tumble-dry my clothes for". And the extra time I took to set the dryer on another run again because I didn't follow my gut feel the first time round to set it at thirty minutes.
Yeah, three hours sound just about right.
But look what life-saving tips I gained during that hour-long googling.
- Washing only your whites in hot water and the rest in cold water, will save you energy dollars and will still result in a clean wash.
- Use liquid detergents for cold water washes; powders will not dissolve well and will leave a white residue on dark clothes.
- Fold clothing immediately when the dryer cycle ends; it will reduce wrinkles.
- Half or a third of a fabric softener sheet works as well as a full sheet and saves you money.
- Dryer timed cycles may possibly be reduced. Experiment to reduce uneccessary drying time; you may only need 15 minutes and not 30 to dry your load.
- Too much detergent in your load will leave a soapy residue on your clothing.
Now, don't get me wrong.
I love household chores. I love the process of shopping for laundry powder and softeners along the aisle of the supermarket.
I love the smell of freshly laundered clothes. I love the feel of warmly spunned clothes.
I can't wait to get down on all fours to mop my own floors.

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