Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Boot That Thought!

The morning I left Hong Kong, my heart was at unease.

I knew I had forgotten about something, I knew I had left something behind.

What it was, I never really did manage to figure out... until today.

I forgot to buy my all-important Boots supplies!!! Aaarrgghhh!!! How could I?!?!

Remembering about Boots today also brought something else unfortunate to my mind.

Boots inevitably reminds me of Bangkok.

Before HK, there was Bangkok. I have always loved Bangkok for her tom yum goong, green curry, cheap bras and most of all - Boots. There is nary a fulfilling Bangkok trip without a loadful of Boots squeezed amongst my dirty clothes.

But today, the sudden thought of Bangkok reminds me of how life loves playing pranks on us.

Of how some things almost were, but probably were never meant to be.

And thinking of Bangkok also makes me hungry now.

Very, very hungry. =/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's always Boracay to look forward to.