Monday, July 17, 2006


I've been up since 6.30 in the a.m..

I'm beat. Achy all over. And fucking pissed.

All it takes is just one bad to negate all the good that has happened in the day. Or, whatever good you've tried to make out of everything else.

I did a 10k. I got spotted for a 'hot bod' feature - which amused me to bits cos I still have remnants of the beer belly. I made it to Baby Marcus' first-month shower despite my desperate need to nap. And in the end, I managed to make training as well.

But I also got a sore left ankle. A limping right knee. A sprained right hand. And a body that is aching from the shoulders to the feet.

All of which I could have swallowed with pride. But it takes only one last bad of the day to convince me my life is as shitty as shit can get.

A car. A choking engine. A tow truck. And a bus ride home to a late dinner to feed the starving body.

Can someone please remove me from the bloody face of this earth?

Les: How was your 10k run?

Me: Ok. Didn't improve but it was good for me. I think I did 53 min.

Les: The day I do under 55 min I will throw a big party.

Me: Haha... throw one for me then.

Les: You have to do under 50 before you get one.

Me: Orh... standard not same... paisei ah.

=/ It was funny this morning. Now I'm just too numb to even fake a smile.

I know. I know one day my life will pick up.

I am just wondering how much lower it has to go now first.

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Ok, this is a cheat. I was too stoned to even pull out my camera, much less smile for it.

This suffices.

Cute is cute.

Fuck. I am still hungry. But I think I should just retire.

I got a 'hot bod' to take care of now.

But more importantly, I gotta fucking wake up at 6 tomorrow morning, just so I can get a damn seat on the train ride to work.

=( x 1,000

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