Well, not that it's anywhere true to real life, but for one, at least it didn't traumatize me, it didn't upset me, it didn't wake me up with a "Was it real? Did it happen? Was I dreaming? What if it's true?" question, cold sweat rolling down my pulsating forehead. (Okay, okay, the last bit was just added in for pure illustrative and dramatic effect.)
Wait a minute. I'm lying.
I did wake up asking myself, Was it real? Did it happen? Was I dreaming? What if it's true? But today, it was with a huge silly grin on my face, and I didn't quite really get out of bed from that dream.
So I discovered a secret passageway in my uncle's old apartment that led to a huge-ass compound, four-storeys worth of humongous space and rooms - all left empty, 'cause he didn't know what to do with them.
He had a stockroom on the ground level, where he kept all his kitchen stocks and household utilities, and it was so huge-ass it looked exactly like a mini-supermarket. Rows and rows of shelves with everything, anything. He just missed out on the carts and the check-out counters. I loved that supermarket-in-a-house idea.
Elsewhere in the secret house, there were just long, dark stairways and more empty rooms. It was an open concept, there were few walls and there were even no handrails on the staircases. I treaded my way up one long flight of stairs to the top, and it was right there that I fell in love.
It was a loft. Exactly the kind I've always imagined having on my own.
I asked the uncle if I could have the space.
"Yeah of course. It's empty, anyway."
I almost fainted.
But I woke up instead.
Okay, it really has to be just a dream.
I shall find out this weekend.

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