Sasy: i tell u, i would soon meet an alien or aliens from another planet
Sasy: and i think i might be spending all my time with the aliens instead of my friends....
Sasy: would u, as a friend, ask me: why do u think of spending all ur time with things u never met?
Sasy: than pple like me who's been around?
ME Inc.: erm no that won't be my question
Sasy: or u will ask me if the aliens are handsome?
Sasy: =)
ME Inc.: no
ME Inc.: but that will come later, after i get the first couple of questions sorted out.
If I really met a couple of aliens, maybe they won't be able to tell me apart from the human beings. They might even ask me for directions around.
If I really met a couple of aliens, I'd surely spend all my time hanging out with them. If I don't feel at home with the human beings around me, I'd like to give these strange dudes a try.
If I really met a couple of aliens, I would surely ask them. If they could bring me home with them.

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