Friday, June 09, 2006

Pit Stop

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Am I glad to be back here, or what?

I don't know. On one hand, I am excited to be here with my chicks for the weekend - and to be catching the kick-off of what everyone else in the world is waiting for. On the other, the stupid rainy weather has totally, absolutely spoilt my mood.


Eleven days.

That's the total number of days I'll be spending in HK this time.

A bit too long, but I hope things fly by. I already cannot wait to get home to catch all the remaining games with all my chums.

Three key items on my itinerary. A weekend with the chicks. Then, a week long of meetings. And finally, another weekend with my family. My mom's first-ever trip overseas (Malaysia not counted) - I am happy for her, and I'm happy to be around.

I hope I brought enough stuff - cos I don't intend to buy anything at all here.

Ok, except for that doggie Brazil jersey I saw at the window just now. Pipes would look absolutely adorable, but too bad, I won't be able to bring her along to any pub.


My last overseas meetings. My last season for the folks.

I am already starting to feel something amiss inside of me.

The deed was done on the very first day of the work-week.

What a way to kill Monday blues. Huh.

I saw the shock on Boss's face. The disbelief on Hann's face. The disappointment-turned-encouragement on San's face.

The peace and happiness on Ivy's face.

Then the words of pride and faith came along.

"Happy for you. Think it's a good pit stop." I like that - 'pit stop'.

I still have to grapple with the emotions, but deep inside, I know I must've done the right thing for myself.

The thoughts of not having an income very soon put me into a spin - and scare the shit outta me. Depression seeps into my mind and threatens to take over, but hey, why the hell am I getting depressed over my own fears?

I will work a way out. And I will be happy.

I may have to face many concerned questions at the meetings next week.

I hope, somehow over this weekend, I can find answers to everything with a look of confidence, and a huge smile on my face.

I have forgotten how the old me used to look.

"Just do what you think is right."

You. Thanks for being there, and much more thanks for supporting me.

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