Sunday, June 25, 2006

MHP Revised

OK, I have decided to take Tamada, Reyes and Ballack out of the first team. All cannot make it.

In their places, I've picked three others to fill. Probably with some protest from Sasy - but I don't really care.

Ha. It's my list now.

Numero uno: Thierry Henry (France). I've always had a thing for blacks.

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Then, there's the very baby-looking Fernando Torres - yet another Spaniard. Argh!! So cute, can die.

He has just managed to stir up my cradle-snatching instinct.

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And last, but not the very least, how can you ever assemble a MHP first team without Hollywood-worthy Fredrik Ljungberg (Sweden)?

Damn. What were we thinking?

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*double slurps*

Now, I see competition stiffening. =)

I am also starting to wonder.

Perhaps, I should make a trip to Spain. Hmm.

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