Monday, June 26, 2006

Lost and Found

If there's one special skill I can claim expertise in, it's spilling coffee onto my computer.

Yes, I have done it again.



I've been having some weird stroke of luck with my phone these days.

Twice in just a week, I lost it.

And twice, under the strangest - some might say, most amazing - circumstance, it came back to me.

Some say I must've been damn lucky. I say, I'm bounded by some mysterious fate to this phone.

My phone conjures up mixed feelings within me. Irritating, yet full of sentiments.

The first time I dropped it in a cab in HK, I was struck with a strange sense of calmness.

While I was upset with losing all my numbers and messages, I was secretly glad: Yay, got excuse to buy new phone. But when I got it back, I was more happy than disappointed.

The second time I dropped it somewhere in my neighborhood, I thought: this is it.

When miraculously I got it back again, I thought: THIS is it. What's meant to be mine will always come back to me.

On another thought, if there's anything else I learnt through the two incidents, it is that it pays to put your own picture as the wallpaper of your phone - though initially, it did make me feel somewhat narcissistic.

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Mr HK Policeman to me, when I picked up my phone: "Yah, must be your phone. The picture in it looks like you."

Great. So it does pay to love yourself.

Me and my phone.

No one will probably understand the two of us. So, all you people out there, laugh as much as you want.

If you can't rid of it, you might as well love it.

Still, I think I'm getting a new phone soon.

If the promise is kept.

Another sentimental relationship to be formed, I foresee. I am looking forward to it.

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