Friday, May 23, 2008


I was only cleaning up my mailbox when I started laughing like a mad woman again, headphones still stuck to the ears.

K: Have u ever
C: Have you ever * in a tiny bar crowded like tihs??
H: C you drink
K: Nada to both
H: C!
K: U 2 drink?!!!
C: What the fuck???
C: Why do I have to drink???
H: Q: can you * with someone here?
K: yeah if I have another 50 whiskeys...
C: That is your favorite Q
C: Did u just drink to your own Q?
H: Yeah anyone behind me, many magnums
C: This woman keeps shaking her ass in my face
H: She hits my back with it too
K: Lucky u, oh actually , no
H: Wow she's really big...
H: Okay she's hitting my back with her ass... Or am I touching her ass with my back?
H: Happy Birthday K
H: Q: do you think all of people here think we are asian geeks cus we don't speak and just using mobiles?
K: Yes
K: And we are weird to suddenly drink together..
H: And suddenly laugh...
H: (FYI chocolux will close in 50 mins)
H: (FYI we look weird always)
K: Another cake? Chocolate does not help eyesight!
C: You mean I look weird today??? :(
H: Today? Only?
K: Hahahaha
K: Running out of battery
C: Lesson learnt: always charge your berry before H.A. meeting
H: (FYI 30 mins left)
K: Choco choco, we need more time to get drunk tho
K: 30 mins not enough
K: Ok batt almost gone, need oral communication soon

Okay. Truth be told?

I really miss this.


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