Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Liver Pills

Argh. Maybe it's a bad idea, after all.

Trialing a new name that goes 'Kanina'.

Everyone's thinking I'm cracked up or something... judging on my MSN nick. I get messages that ask what's up my ass.

C'mon, people. Where has all your good humor gone to?

I used to have a teacher whom we called Mr Nah at my former junior college, which I shall just leave unnamed.

The boys in my school started christening him 'Kenny'.

Kenny Nah.

Get it?

I thought he was pathetic. I'd never have thought I'd end up worse. Ha.


I have a bunch of very good friends whom we collectively call the LOHAMs.

So good are they, I actually avoided hanging out with them because I feared they would start berating me for the nights I've been keeping these days. I just didn't want no nagging.

True to my suspicion, they talked about me while I wasn't around.

But I like it.

Instead of a lecture, I received a sweet advice: get some liver pills while you're at it.

It's like not telling me not to have casual sex, but rather, telling me to use contraceptives while I'm at it.

=] So sweet, right?

Not the casual sex part. The eat-some-liver-pills-while-you're-boozing part.

And today, I found out they were talking more than just the liver pills.

They have collectively agreed I should seek some counselling.

SLM: We think you should seek some counselling.

Me: Er... not the religious kind, ok.

SLM: No, the IMH kind.

Me: IMH? Institute of Mental Health?


Me: Woodbridge??

Me: Siao keng???

*Wah lau!*


Me: To be siao is one thing. To be sad is another. To be sad + siao is...

SLM: To go IMH lor.

Sigh... I cannot believe this.

But thank God. Finally, people around me are believing I am nuts. =/


I wish you well. Sincerely.

I am just a bypasser.

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