So it’s gonna be: No soy lattes in the mornings. No unnecessary jumping into cabs. No fancy lunches… no, make that, no multi-lunches. No good-food indulgences. No unnecessary trips to the supermarket(s). No Godivas. No sushis… okay, not every other day at least. No “happening-to-walk-past” Muji. No drinks out on weekdays. No lymphatic drainage treatments (Bobo says I have “not much toxins left” in my body anyway, but still I wonder…).
I will hole myself in every night. I could watch a couple of movies. I could read a book. I could go for a run in the gym. I could try to do some work at home. I could study my recipes. I could search for more on the internet. I could stalk people on Facebook. Or, I could just iron and iron and iron. I probably have to refrain from fancy dishes, but I could still cook my instant noodles with eggs. I didn’t say “no drinks”, only “no drinks out”, so I could surely stone at home.
Heck. I could actually just go to bed early.
But thank goodness for all those unnecessary trips I did make to the supermarket over the past week. ‘Cos now my pantry and refridgerator are looking pretty well stocked for kiam cai days like these.
You. Yes, you with the gorgeous face sitting in the window. The one who caught my good eye yesterday.
Too bad, you might have to wait a little longer than I hoped.
But I will get you out of there one day.

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