Walking anywhere is such a literal breeze. The sun is masqueraded by the gloom of the haze most days, so going to work at seven in the morning has turned out to be one of my favorite times of the day.
Then again, the sun sets at six these days too, and it depresses me if I was still writing an email at six-thirty. The chilly wind starts its work by around six too, and I shiver every Saturday evening all the way home from the court, especially on the train ride. Wait, make that… I crawl and shiver. I feel embarrassingly chilled sometimes, walking home in the nights but I try to walk slower, to savor these cool nights before it gets too cold in a matter of weeks.
And oh yes, it will get colder this winter. Or at least, that’s what every other person is saying. The weather didn’t turn till November last year, they say.
We’ll see.
In the meantime, I am in a furious bid to wear all my tank tops and shorts and flip-flops whenever I can, and while I still can.
I miss the beach tons, though. I have all my beach gear, from the bikini to the mat, with me from Day One since I came.
But I think I’ll never get to lie on the beach anytime before Christmas.

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