I've had a rather satisfying twelve-hour sleep. There's no work to think of (actually, there is but I do realize I have a choice). There's no urgent errand to run. There's some laundry waiting but it still can wait. There's not much food left in the fridge, except for some yogurt, some soya milk but tons of beer and soda water. And red wine and sake.
And most of my folks are out of town. So is there any better day to sit out alone at my favorite cafe that I've been neglecting of late?
But in all honesty, this is somewhat a guilt trip. After I had made Brunchgirl reinstate the Grilled Tuna Salad (not that I liked it so much, but I was just being a bitch because they took it off the board before I could ever try it!) on the Chef's Special menu blackboard, since weeks ago, I figure I'd better turn up and actually eat it.
It was okay, not mindblowingly awesome, but it's hard to find seared semi-raw tuna most anywhere. I didn't like it though, that there was just a tad too much black pepper.
But that almost-perfectly poached egg that I added as an extra topping. Mmm mmm mmm.
It was the poached egg that saved the day.

And NO.
I am not hum ji ok.
I will still eat salmon salmon more salmon.
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