Monday, May 29, 2006

Madcap Chicks

This one's for my chicks.

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Someone tried to offer me some wise words last night: "Well, you know, there are different kind of friends. There are the good friends, and then there are the drinking friends. You gotta know who's which."

To which, I counter-offered even wiser words: "Yeah I know. The even better thing to have? Good friends who drink with you. And I'm lucky to have them."

Yeah, and I call 'em: my chicks.

I go round telling the whole world my chicks are the best girlfriends I could ever have.

They crap with me. They laugh at me. They let me down whatever alcohol I need to stay sane. They love me when I'm being insane. They make me feel most comfortable acting the silly drunk clown.

They watch me cry, then put their arms around me, and then bring me home safe.

They ask, but they never question.

They drink Hoes with me when they'd much rather be sipping wine or whiskey.

They eat mee pok ta with me whenever I crave it at the end of the night. We love mee tai mak ta these days, though.

They walk and laugh alongside me while I swagger to hip-hop music along the sidewalks of UE Square.

They check on me over MSN when I'm far away from home.

They pick up vices from me, and then teach me some.

They dream along with me. The 'Lao Ban Niangs'. Haha.

They never tire of hanging out with me - six nights a week, five in a row.

They smack me on the head and tell me not to be silly when I declare my 'luff' for them.

"Muak". A term of endearment that has been estranged from me for a long while. They made me remember it again.

"You have always been a madcap. Not that we minded."

And I thank you girls for loving the madcap that I am.

Amongst all the gems surrounding me, you truly are one of the brightest, definitely the rarest.


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