Sunday, May 07, 2006


Pardon the crude Hokkien ditty that follows, but it is exactly silly crap like this that cracks me up.


Now I will always try to keep this ditty in mind before I pop the next bloody 蚶 into my mouth.

Then again, what the heck? Don't think, just whack.

And yes, you ain't heard nothing wrong.

I eat 蚶s.

You see, I have never been much of a 蚶-eater all my life. In fact, none at all. The bloody taste used to put me way off. No 蚶s in my laksa, none in my char kuey teow, and I crinkled my nose everytime my friends devoured a plate of boiled 蚶s.

Now, I dig my bare fingers into the bloody shells.

Then again, I also never used to do or be much of what I do, of what I am now.

Should I be surprised with the 蚶s?

Life changes, things change... people change, don't they?

Of all the 'life lessons' I've ever had, this is probably one of the best.


This must have been one of my most unplanned Saturdays... that turned out to be most eventful as well.

Sometimes, some things in life should just never be planned for.

A lazy day that started out late had me dragging my feet into the office at 5 and ended up with me paying an impromptu visit to Hapyfish's new pad in the far east.

I love sweet couples. You guys are one.

Ended up at Ice Cold "on the way home".

There was no football tonight - but there was the live telecast of the polling results.

Gawd, the pub was packed. Never like this before on any of the Saturday nights I've been hanging out there. I doubted if the folks knew what they were cheering for. Really.

It would have been quite a boring night, if not for the various interesting conversations I struck up.

And if not for yet another new friend I made. A new friend who has been in town for barely two years but said he'd like to show me around my home country. =) We shall see.

The messages from Pi came very timely after the drinks.

And somehow, I ended up watching DVDs at her place.

Which explains for the new ditty I've learned today.

Gawd. I am tired now.


"Home safe?"

"I'm having some fishball mee first. My worms are torturing me."

"Ok drink lots of water. Nite."


Never expected your messages. And not too sure if you should have sent them.

Still, I appreciate them very much.


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