Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Day without my car

I am so addicted to my wheels, I can't imagine my life without it. I would have permanent backache or even worse, a crooked back because I would have to tote my big bag around everywhere everyday. And why would I always carry a big heavy bag, and not a cutesy little girly handbag, everyday? Because I'm Singaporean and I make too much allowance in my bag for 'emergencies' - 2 books and a magazine (in case I end up having free time and have nothing to do in a cafe); my diary and pda (in case I need to check on my calendar); the few 'essential' wires/adapters/chargers (in case I need to upload something or my camera runs out of battery); my big chunky camera (in case I see something exciting on the streets that I absolutely need to snap... for something useful in future); my makeup pouch complete with blush, curler, mascara, lipglosses, lipsticks, tweezer (in case the boyfriend calls me up for an unplanned-for dinner); my 'other' pouch that contains my hairbrush, mirror, blotting tissue, an extra small wallet, more glosses, extra mints (in case, in case, in case...); at least 3 packets of tissue (in case I unexpectedly get some bad tummy and the tissue runs out fast); and of course, my laptop (in case I end up at some wired up cafe and have time to chat with friends or surf the net... like right now).

What the hell???

My load probably weighs a good quarter of my skinny frame, and none of my friends would like to offer their help to hold my bag for me. I probably use only a third of the stuff I carry in my bag everyday, but I can never bear to clear the unused out. I shall not try further.

Without my wheels, I probably would be termed a 'no-life'. I would dread having to travel the way I do now - commute from one end of Singapore to the other for work, pop by Borders after work/before appointments just to hang out there, meet friends for dinner/drinks, pick up the boyfriend. Without my wheels, I would only want to drag my two feet and one heavy load straight home.

Without my wheels, I probably would grow fatter (even though the extra walking might just keep the pounds away) and much less fit because I would dread going for basketball trainings, meeting buddies for a run in East Coast or Sentosa or MacRitchie.

Without my wheels, I wouldn't be able to bring my girls out for swims in Sentosa, walks in Botanical Gardens, rendevous with their 3 boyfriends at Auntie Wei-lyn's place. They would also have 'no life', poor girls.

Without my wheels, I would not be able to spend precious little quality time with the boyfriend, picking him up, sending him to work, going on mindless driving spins.

Without my wheels, I would be much richer though. But I'd rather spent that money on my wheels if I get more out of life than without it.

Everytime I need to send my car for a check-up at the workshop, I get thrilled (initially) at the thought of having to take the public transportation - "wow, so long never take train, I sure miss it man." But I always end up feeling regretful having to send my car for a check-up.

People who commute on public transport somehow irritate me. Well, not everyone, to be fair. But there will definitely be some idiot who simply spoils my day - talking on the phone too loud, playing childish pranks, having bad body odor and not realizing it, grabbing seats like there's no one else who might need it more, weird people, rude people. I could never sleep peacefully on a train ride, like I used to. Or perhaps, I'm just too 'spoiled' now.

I am just so glad to pick up my ford baby again at the end of the today.

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