Monday, February 14, 2005

Cold and lovely

It's 6.30 in the morning, and I'm about to go to the campus.

I've been online almost the entire night, simply because I paid US$9.95 for this connection for the entire day, so I damn bloody well make the fullest use of it.

I woke up after a 2-hour "nap" because I got woken up by a 'horrible' dream and couldn't fall back into sleep again. Got up, took a shower, and went out to grab a coffee (good thing I like here is that coffee shops are open from 6 in the morning). And good thing too cos I found out I could get FREE internet access at that coffee shop. Heh heh heh...

It's freakin cold outside... but I love the cold. I have to deck out in layers but I love being cold. I hate being hot, because I would complain incessantly about it, and I can't possibly walk around shirtless, can I? Perhaps, being extremely cold is an experience I never had growing up in a tropical island, and so is a new exhilarating feeling to me.

My friends find me weird, as such.

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