Monday, February 14, 2005

Can't zzz

It's 10:34 in the pm in Portland, and I can't get to sleep. And I suppose that's because I had already been sleeping almost the entire day since I checked into the hotel about 7 in the morning.

If the flight from Singapore to Narita was bad, I can't imagine how else to describe the next sector from Narita to Portland. Less than an hour onboard the 10-hour flight, I started feeling sick in the stomach, and then later developing a fever. I got a 2-seater but even then, I couldn't really rest well and my back was screaming with aches not too longer after. I never had a more horrible flight experience.

After resting on the bed for almost 12 hours, I still don't feel well. The tummy is playing tricks on me, and the headache comes and goes.

I took a walk outside in the evening to grab some drinking water and hopefully some aspirins. The weather started out cool for me, and eventually turned freezing cold. Found out later it was almost 1 degree Celsius out there. Never had experienced such cold weather in Portland. Now am wondering what SF would be like. Dang.

Sigh. Just have this feeling I've wasted my only free day in Portland. If I weren't feeling so horribly sick, I would've have taken the met and gone shopping at my favorite stores in the city and outside. I would've headed straight for Target, a place I don't know why all the girls are crazy about. Well, maybe it's a good thing after all, to stop me from spending more money.

I have both hands on the keyboard and one eye on the television. Let me see how long I can keep this up tonight before I doze off again.

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