Saturday, January 05, 2008

Seikos & Casios

It's been officially six months.

How time flies.

And I wonder if the notion of time flying by faster has anything to do with aging brain cells. How the rate of events happening is far greater than the rate at which our brains process every one.

Or maybe, we feel time is cheating on us by flying by faster than it normally should, because we're not done yet savoring the sweetness of a certain past. Maybe time is not moving unusually fast; maybe we are just deliberately slowing us down. Maybe time is just the only one moving; maybe we are not moving.

Anyways, regardless of theory, time will only pick up speed.

I don't want to slow it down, I don't have special powers though I wish I had.

I can't wait for all my stories to happen. I just can't wait till I get to the end of the road.

Speaking of time... I had wanted to speak about time.

In an ironic way, I have moved back in time in my search for time.


I think me dad is going to be very proud of his little girl. : )

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