Friday, June 22, 2007


sasyz: nobody needs anybody
ME Inc.: actually
ME Inc.: everybody needs somebody

It has been a week of contradictions.

A week of needing somebody, yet choosing not to need anybody.

A week of wanting to scream and yell and cry sometimes, yet choosing to sit and smile and wait and wait and wait.

And everything turned out pretty fine, I am rather glad I have stuck by the torturous patience. Because like they say, good things come to those who wait.

For one, I ended up being surrounded by people. Mostly people I had chosen to lose touch with when I holed up in my shell, simply because sometimes it is rather painful talking to people when you have to pretend you're still the same old you.

There is the dude who obviously treats me as the de facto go-to friend when he quit his job and had no one to spend time with in the afternoons. So I ended up having countless coffee sessions with him, as he sat stoning while watching me work on my computer.

There is the Hanny boy who finally chugged a beer with me, and who turned saviour when I got dumped on a date, and who said I am unique (but tell me something else new, Hanny).

There is of course my babelicious neighbor, who did the rather unglam la-kopi thing at the kopitiam amidst all the chee-ko-pehs again. Really, really. Nothing beats a cheap kopi session with a babe in the midst of a peaceful HDB neighborhood. Oh, and this time, it was brekkie with the soft-boiled eggs. Yummers.

Then there are the Swoosh'd babes. With the babies. And my 'son'. The bitching, the crapping, the eating, the everything.

There is the Pi chick who totally cracked me up when she called me at 10 on Saturday night, to say she was going bowling - alone. And asked if I had wanted to join her. We ended up having kopi at the prata shop.

And then, there is my Sasy chick. Who hugged and kissed and hugged and kissed and hugged and kissed me non-stop. Rather embarrassing in the middle of the sake bar, but I obliged. Because, let me see... it's been maybe two or three weeks since we last met.

Then, there is my bestie. The one who has never left my side. The one who I still think probably loves me the best. The one whom I am going to leave behind, but hey babe, you have just got to get on MSN. For me.

Most of all, there is my 'son'. Whom I spent the entire weekend with, 'cheonging' three parties together. He's happy because I brought him to where happiness reigns, and so I am happy too. He kisses me more now, to the extent he's literally kissing my arse. He spells my name when he sees me now: "G-U-G-U!!" He single-handedly melts me into a puddle.

And then, there was the silence which was finally broken. The painful silence, but the blissful chat. Maybe. Maybe we do bond like glue.

People come and they go.

Times spent like these come and they go too soon too.

Maybe they would be just "one of those times". Maybe not.

But I just feel thankful for all the people around me. And I especially thank those who love me for the 'me' I am trying so hard to stick to.

When you want to go, when you want to throw me away, go ahead.

Maybe you just need someone else. Just not me.


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