I wasn't really looking for an answer, but...
The First One Who Bothered To Look At My Nick
the still frame: paella
ME Inc.: hahaha
the still frame: i don't like cheese lol
the still frame: so fondue is clear out
ME Inc.: i dun quite like cheese too
ME Inc.: but there's chocolate!
the still frame: oh yahh...
the still frame: but that's dessert
The Second Sweety Who Bothered But Didn't Quite Make Sense
HS: fondue
HS: paella looks like bryani
The One Who Really Seemed Sincere To Help My Confusion
SKA: paella!
ME Inc.: haha! someone says, paella looks like bryani.
SKA: yaaaa cos they r ignorant
SKA: haha just whack in some nice huge prawns
SKA: n mussels
SKA: fondue is so "in" its so passe
ME Inc.: i'm not a big cheese fan, but i like chocolate fountains...
ME Inc.: anyways, paella beat fondue
ME Inc.: 3-1 sets
SKA: yay! (poor thing, still very blur)
SKA: u cookin ah
SKA: why cant u do paella then choc fondue dessert
ME Inc.: haha...
ME Inc.: i can.
ME Inc.: this is sounding weirder by the minute
SKA: or scrap tht n do pot luck
ME Inc.: so yeah... maybe I COULD DO paella first then have fondue for dessert.
Hmm. I was just trying to decide my love between "Paella" and "Fondue".
Anyways, "Paella" beat "Fondue" 3-1 sets, and I still love both. :/
the still frame: but wait what's this for
the still frame: why the big decision
ME Inc.: haha... nothing. it's just nadal playing federer now in the final.. wahahahaha
the still frame: then
the still frame: fondue

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