Sunday, March 16, 2008

Life in the Tant

Stupid Danish pilot: So. Where's your boyfriend tonight?
Stupid Danish pilot: He is your boyfriend, right?!

OH! The "boyfriend".

ME: Yes, my boyfriend. Not in town tonight.

And then, the stupid Danish pilot proceeded with his wily manners, spewing saliva in my ears/hair, conveniently leaning his elbow on my thigh, caressing my hair even at one point, "Oh, you have such nice hair."

I know I have nice hair, but it's not for you to caress. Fark off.


"Hey, I know you have a boyfriend, but if you want, you can come up to my place for a drink."

I just scooted and jumped into the cab.


Sigh. The games we play to get ourselves out of trouble sometimes get us not out of trouble, but into more trouble.


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