Tuesday, March 18, 2008


"There is no such thing as a 'strong' or a 'weak' person. Everyone is weak."

I don't know what really came over me (as usual), but I found myself weeping in the middle of the work-day.

Someone had probably upset me, just minutes ago. Add that to the incredible amount of workload that has only been increasing since day one, the recent mounting of stress, the growing frustration at the lack of appreciation. How about the nagging feeling that no one at work really gets what I really want to do? And the stubborn need to remain silent, and cheerful? The constant mental note to remember only the happy. The quiet desire of still wanting to be hugged and hushed? The sudden reminder of how I used to have someone to do just that for me?

What am I doing? What am I doing everything for? What am I trying to prove to myself?

I think it all just came up to the brims of my eyes, and just like a fountain, it overflowed.

I sniffled it all back in, and apologized - I must've caused worry.

Almost immediately, I smiled and laughed in my usual madwoman manner. And I remembered my manners and conveyed my thanks.

Not so much for the soy-latte that I got as a result. Not really for any awe-inspiring words that snapped me awake.

But for the realization that I am being understood. For the fact that I wasn't left alone. And for the gentle reminder that I am ME. Strong or not, it doesn't really matter, does it?

It might not be the same, but I do have someone - in a time and place where I would never have expected anything.

It has been amazing.

How I got one of my most peaceful sleeps ever.


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