Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Tired

Weekend after weekend, I become so happy I am actually more exhausted than rested (at all). In fact, I am even amazed I am still capable of feeling happiness in three short days - when really, I should be zombified and lying dead on the bed after the recent weeks of toiling.

(I know, but don't be deceived by the pictures of places I visit "for work". Because market visits are indeed shit-tiring. And your load just keeps piling.)

Then again, I am a pretty easy woman to please.

Just feed me food - yummy, orgasmic food preferably. Then throw in the company - great, but not necessarily orgasmic company, thank you. Mmm... maybe some form of side activity just to keep everyone together - booze, music, MAHJONG.

And last, but surely not the least, the tons and heaps of laughter. Over everything. Anything.

I am still tired, from last week's hard work. But I also found mahjong in my life again - Honky-way no less.

I am up at fuckin' five this morning, to make a train trip at half-past-seven to the factory. But I also have to make it back in time for poker tonight.

No, I'm not really tired.

I am just happy to have a family here.


Yes, I know.

Two meals with the family on Sunday. Two - not one.

Never felt warmth that way since I came. : )

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